Going Mobile

In Chapter 5 of Mark Briggs’ “journalism NEXT” book, http://tinyurl.com/qzxyjh5 the use of mobile technology in today’s world of journalism is discussed. Ever wanted to become a reporter but can’t afford an expensive camera? Well how about you use the camera on your cell phone! Gone are the days of people rushing to buy expensive camera only to place those images in newspapers. A large number of journalists just use their latest iPhone of Samsung Galaxy to shoot whatever videos that they need for their stories. Technology has really changed and advanced overt the past 20 years and if you want to be a journalist of today, you must keep up with the latest technology.

So report on the go! Many of the things you need to do so you probably already have. A laptop computer, a camera, headphones, a cell phone, a microphone, a tripod, and most importantly, the internet. These are the major things needed to report on the go. Personally, it seems more easy and convenient do report on the go. For those who want to be freelance journalists, this is the perfect way to do so.Here is more info on being a freelance journalist. http://tinyurl.com/2rmfzv

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